Deep into the Details

Deep into the Details

Deep into the Details is a demonstrative application, still under development, entirely made with Unity. The main goal of this app is to act as a showcase for the growing gallery of objects modeled with Curved Poly, while giving a clear picture of the capabilities of Curved Poly at run time.


The App is set in the virtual storage room of Mushrooms Labs, where a large number of virtual objects are collected and stored for future uses. You will be able to navigate between the tables and the shelves in order to interact with the individual objects; clicking on one of them will be possible to find out how they were made and which of the Mushrooms Labs projects they are intended for.

The App will also show statistics about the number of triangles used and the number of meshes cached at run time. This is quite important since Curved Poly can generate dynamically a wide set of meshes with different Levels of Detail and reuse them as needed.

You will be taken around the storage room through a set of preset animations that can be paused, resumed and recalled at any time. After a little tour, you can also browse freely. Your tour will take place with the support of a small companion, the third of the Mushrooms of Mushrooms Labs, which has yet to be announced.

Deep into the Details

A screenshot taken during the development of the App, showing part of the storage room with tables and shelves. Every 3D object, even the walls and the fornitures, is made with Curved Poly.

Deep into the Details

A screenshot taken during the development of the App. The white curve with big red spherical dots represent the path of the camera for a preset animations.


Every 3D object, even the walls and the fornitures, is made with Curved Poly. Many of these are made with a combination of the instruments from Curved Poly-Shape Editor and Curved polyline - Shape Control . Indeed, most of these are intended as a proof of the simplicity with which complex objects can be modeled from simple primitive shapes. That said, some of the most complex models like the jekos are made with the alpha development version of Curved Poly - Maker.

Furthermore, every single detail of each objects is fully modelled. Unwraps are used only to apply materials on the surface of each object.

Deep into the Details

The Objects in the screenshot are made, monstly, with tools from Curved Poly-Shape Editor and Curved Poly - Shape Control . The texture unwraps on textures parts is made with a combination of Curved Poly - Shape Control and Curved Poly - Maker . Some detail, like the metallic cap holder of the Mokas and the handle of the little cups required tools only available in Curved polyline - Maker

Deep into the Details

Complex models like the jekos are made with Curved Poly - Maker .

Dynamic Level of Detail

The Dynamic Level of Detail is one of the most important features of Curved Poly models, and its part of the Curved Poly - Runtime component. Since the models are made of curves, they can be tessellated with different resolutions at run time. To know more about this, you can follow the article dedicated to it.

Deep into the Details

The four coloured glasses are generated from the same Curved Poly model (you can see the the curved wireframe on the red one), but the each model uses a different dynamic LoD setting.


Unity offers a wide set of tools to make awesome lighting for Real-Time Graphics. One of the most interesting among them is the Reflection Probe, which allows to compute reflection map dinamically on the objects. The tables and shelves scene of the storage room is a perfect application of such techniques, since its a closed environment where objects are all placed on a predefined set of locations. While going deep into the details with Curved Poly, you will find it very easy to generate smooth surfaces with awesome reflections and it's of utmost importance to exploit such quality with a good set of lighting techniques.

Deep into the Details

The reflections on the objects are obtained with Unity Reflection Probes and with some settings on the global lighting environment settings.


The app should be ready before the end of summer 2019. His release will be accompanied by the opening of a new section on the Curved Poly website, along with the announcement of the project masquotte, the third of the Mushrooms Labs mushrooms. It will appear as an embedded Web application, generated with Unity and based on WebGL, and I'm also planning release an alternative Android version downloadable from the site.